This breed entered Kenya from Uganda but it originates from India. It is a hybrid of chicken developed by Keggfarm Groups in Gurgaon. Kuroilers have been in the Kenyan market for a long time thus they are popular with Kenyans
Product Details
- Kuroilers are multicoloured.
- Kuroilers have the dual purpose of producing meat and eggs.
- Kuroilers are well adapted to free range and scavenging.
- Kuroilers have a high resistance to common poultry diseases.
- Kuroilers are of fast maturity: mature males 3.5–4 kg, females 2.5–3 kg.
- Kuroilers have a high egg production: 20–25 eggs per month.
- Kuroilers have an economical laying period of 1.5 years.
- Kuroiler feed consumption: average (medium) feeder.
- Kuroiler Sitting characteristics: does not sit on eggs (does not get broody).
COBB 500 is the most popular poultry breed in Kenya and in most parts of the world. The progression of this breed is maintained through systematic efforts of COBB research geneticists. With today’s high feed costs, efficient broiler feed conversion is a great advantage for any farmer.
Product Details
- Plumage Color: White
- Weight at Maturity: Males 2.5-3.5 kgs, Females 2.0-2.5 kgs
- Growth Rate: Fast growth, reaching market weight in about 5-6 weeks
Temperament: - Docile and calm temperament
Adaptability and Environment: - Suited for intensive farming systems
- Performs well in various climates
Health and Disease Resistance: - Good resistance to common poultry diseases
Egg Production: N/A (Cobb 500 is primarily bred for meat production and not egg-laying)
Feed Consumption: Efficient feed conversion rate, consuming moderate amounts of feed
Broodiness: Low broodiness, primarily bred for meat production and not for hatching eggs

They are kept for egg production. Unlike other chickens, they produce more eggs consistently for a long period. The most common breeds of layers in Kenyan farms are Hyline, Lohmman brown, and Sussex breeds.
Product Details
- Colour; Brown.
- Start of laying period, 18 weeks.
- Eggshell color, brown.
- Body weight at laying period 2kgs.
- High egg production.
- Economical laying period;18-81 weeks.
- Production at peak; 96%
- Feed consumption; average (medium) feeder
Sasso chickens are renowned for their exceptional meat quality and robustness, making them a popular choice among poultry farmers worldwide. Originating from France, the Sasso breed combines superior taste with efficient growth, making it ideal for both commercial and backyard farming ventures. With its striking appearance and excellent adaptability, the Sasso chicken is a versatile option for those seeking high-quality meat production.
Product Details
- Classification: Dual-Purpose (Meat and Eggs)
- Origin: France
- Purpose: Meat Production
- Physical Characteristics: Plumage Color: Varied, often with mottled or speckled patterns
- Weight at Maturity: Males 2.5-3.5 kgs, Females 2.0-2.5 kgs
- Growth Rate: Moderate growth, reaching market weight in about 10-12 weeks
- Temperament: Calm and adaptable temperament, suitable for free-range and confined environment
- Adaptability and Environment: Well-suited for both free-range and intensive farming systems
- Performs well in various climates, including temperate and tropical regions
- Health and Disease Resistance:
- Good resistance to common poultry diseases, with proper management practices
- Egg Production: Moderate egg production, averaging 180-200 eggs per year
- Eggs are medium to large, with a rich, flavorful yolk
- Feed Consumption: Efficient feed conversion rate, consuming moderate amounts of feed
- Broodiness: Variable broodiness, some hens may exhibit broody behavior, suitable for natural hatching or artificial incubation

It was originally bred by INDBRO research PVT in India. The bird has demonstrated utmost performance and adaptability in East Africa. In Kenya, it is bred by Kukuchic LTD and chicks are available from agents.
Product Details
- Rainbow roosters are multicolored.
- Rainbow roosters are dual-purpose and suitable for both eggs and meat.
- Rainbow roosters are adapted for free range.
- Rainbow roosters have high disease resistance.
- Rainbow rooster Fast maturity-Mature males 3.5-4 Kgs, Females 2.5-3 Kgs.
- Rainbow rooster egg production: 20-25 eggs per month.
- Rainbow rooster economical laying period;1.5 years.
- Rainbow rooster feeds consumption; Heavy feeder.
- Rainbow rooster sitting characteristics; Does not sit on eggs(does not get broody)
Sasso chickens are renowned for their exceptional meat quality and robustness, making them a popular choice among poultry farmers worldwide. Originating from France, the Sasso breed combines superior taste with efficient growth, making it ideal for both commercial and backyard farming ventures. With its striking appearance and excellent adaptability, the Sasso chicken is a versatile option for those seeking high-quality meat production.
Product Details
- Kenbro has a brown unique color. Multicolored Kenbros are slowly been introduced into the market.
- Kenbro is Suitable for both eggs and meat. it’s a dual-purpose breed
- Kenbro are adapted for free range and scavenging.
- Kenbro has moderate disease resistance.
- Kenbro are fast maturity-Mature males 3.5-4 Kgs, Females 2.5-3 Kgs.
- Kenbro has high egg production: 20-25 eggs per month.
- Kenbro economical laying period;1.5 years.
- Kenbro feed consumption; Heavy feeder.
- Kenbro sitting characteristics; Does not sit on eggs(does not get broody).

These are male birds of the hyaline breed which are assorted from the layers.
Product Details
- Color; The predominant color is white while secondary colors are grey, black, and brown.
- A single purpose for producing meat.
- Suitable for free range.
- Moderate disease resistance.
- Maturity-5.5 months.
- Weigh 2-3 Kgs.
- Feed consumption; average (medium)